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Saved by PBworks
on September 16, 2008 at 9:31:04 am


You Are Cordially Invited To

Videoblogging Week 2008



A participatory videoblogging event


When?April 20th - 26th

What?Participating videobloggers post a new video to their blog every day for a week

Videoblogging week started in 2004 with less than ten videobloggers as a participatory way to raise awareness of videoblogging and welcome new videobloggers. Over the years Videoblogging Week has grown to be an exciting yearly event that encourages people to push themselves creatively.

Who?All you need is desire and a camera. Anyone can participate.

How?To participate post videos and tag them "videobloggingweek2008".


Past videoblogging weeks?

If you have info on past videoblogging events feel free to add it below**.



You are encouraged to help promote videoblogging week by making your own videos and banners and sharing them on your blog. Here are a few banners to get you started. Feel free to post banners here as well, but please don't post videos here.







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